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You have invested in one of our projects, and you are wondering when you will start receiving your first income and how much it will be.

My First Income

There is a delay between the moment you invest and the moment the property in question welcomes its first guests. This period may vary depending on the nature of the property and the operations to be carried out:

  • Legal deadlines related to the subscription of bonds and the acquisition of the property
  • Completion of renovation work, furnishing
  • Organization of concierge services, suppliers, and solutions for guests to offer them a high-end experience
  • Creation of marketing materials: optimized texts for rental platforms, professional photographs of the property
  • Posting of listings and management of the calendar for welcoming the first guests

The property usually starts welcoming its first visitors between 4 to 6 months after acquisition.

Expected Profitability

Investing in Harmony’s seasonal rental properties allows you to receive regular rental income and benefit from potential real estate appreciation based on the property’s value.

The real estate appreciation is realized at the end of the asset holding period or when you sell the property bonds.

It has been estimated that seasonal rental properties generate, on average, 160% more income than long-term rentals (SeLoger & AirDNA study).

Harmony offers properties targeting a minimum annual return of 6% for investments planned over 10 years.

Diversification across multiple properties and asset types can be a strategy to minimize the risks associated with individual properties. Every real estate investment carries risks that are important to understand to make an informed decision. However, the bonds are secured by a first-ranking mortgage, which allows you to recover the proceeds from the sale as a priority.